Eagle Club

Book a Tee Time
Play with additional benefits

Eagle Club

The Eagle Club offers you benefits that can’t be matched. Enjoy a spectacular golf course with excellent playing conditions, plus all of these added benefits!

Woodbury Residents $115
Non Residents $135


Green Fee Savings

Weekdays and after noon weekends and holidays – $38 walking, $55 riding

Weekends and holidays before noon – $45 walking, $62 riding

Three 1/2 golf cart rentals OR $60 in Range Balls

Champion’s Rate Discount

Eagle Club members that are 50 years of age and older receive an additional $2.00 off their green fee when they play prior to 12 p.m. weekdays and after 3 p.m. Saturday, Sunday and holiday.

Golf Shop Discount

Twenty percent off all non-sale golf merchandise and an additional five percent off sale prices.

* Excludes golf balls and clubs.

Advance Reservations

Eagle Club Members can reserve a tee time 7 days in advance.

Free Golf for Juniors

Ages 7-17 with each paid adult after 4 p.m. on weekends.

USGA Handicap

Available for $35, compared to the regular price of $45