Learn from the best
Adult Golf Instruction
Private instruction is available from our PGA Golf Professionals or accredited golf coaches. If you have questions, would like additional information or want to schedule an individual or series of lessons, contact the golf shop 651-714-3750.
Registration will open in late-February!
Level 1 Adult Group Lessons
$120 / $140 – Maximum of 8 students Level 1 Lessons will acquaint the student with the game of golf at a fun introductory level. The classes will focus on a basic understanding of the golf course, the equipment used to play the game, full swing basics and short game fundamentals.
Level 2 Adult Group Lessons
$120 / $140 – Maximum of 8 students Level 2 is for player that has had some experience playing the game of golf. The classes will focus on a working knowledge of the golf swing and short game. Fundamentals will be stressed in a detailed fashion with emphasis on proper technique and swing position.