Men's League
The 9 Hole Men’s League is made up of players who have an established handicap, registered and paid the appropriate fees for league play. League size is limited to the first 14 teams.
Current league teams will be given the opportunity to renew each season prior to the acceptance of new teams. Contact Derek if you are interested in joining the men’s league as a single, two-some or as an entire team. Any availability will be filled based on the date of contact.
Email Derek
League Format
Teams play in a two-person net best ball format against two players from the opposing team. Each hole is worth 2 points with additional points being awarded for winning the overall match.
Each team can be comprised of any number of players.
16 weeks on Tuesday nights.
League play will begin on Tuesday, April 29th, and end on August 19th.
9 hole league at 4:00. Start times will rotate throughout the season.